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Infill G4 Hardware and Software questions
By: ubinam
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 10
From: germany
Posted: Fr Aug 31, 2007 - 11:04

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Hi Car TFT Team,

i have some questions to the Infill G4 hard & software:

- Infill Station:

is it possible to deactivate the "drive safely etc. warning messages" via edit the infill.ini ?

- Do you have a installation guide or "how-to"
how set up the G4 from scratch? (for the users that not buy a complete installed G4 like me?)

like: install windows xp ,than install the drivers in sequence, chipset, graphics, audio, ICU, Touchscreen...

perhaps: what is needed after all them, i have installed successfull XP, install sucessfully the (newest) drivers, and the infill station software..

what is additional needed?

i see, there is no DVD codec installed. i think the best way is, to install a "codec package" with the most wanted codecs instead of a normal DVD player Software.

and: if I need the TTS (text to speech) Software von microsoft?

- Hardware:

the G4 don´t fit really into a standard double DIN tray.
from where i become a Mounting Kit / bezel / face plate for the double DIN so that it fit? (germany)
(you can see at the hummer installation they use a Mounting Kit for his double DIN tray.


the driver download link is not really linked in your G4 support side. there i can found only manuals etc.

is that the right link?

maybe, into this driver package i see a BIOS update file. Is this needed? the BIOS version of my G4 Testing hardware is BIOS date is 01/30/07 Ver 08.00.13
and infill tells me 2.03.

by the way: if you have new Software Versions of infill Station etc. i ready to try out :-)

Do you have a commendation for a telephone Software?
the G4 has a microphone input (not tested yet) i will try that with bluetooth USB stick and some bluetooth profiles, but which additional software operates simultan with infill Station?

by the way, maybe is centrafuse the better way? (when the radio applikation works)

i use a hardcore configuration with additional 8" VGA Touchscreen TFT screen (dual monitoring) and additional Soundcard, Network and USB hubs ;-) but that is not the problem ;-)

best greetings :-)

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