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noise on audio connection from CARPC to RADIO - m2atx
By: tinia
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Do Apr 08, 2010 - 09:55


I get a lot of noise when I switch to AUX input on my car radio (LG 8900). I have a car PC with M2-ATX supply. When I switch 12V on from car battery (car pc is still off and ignition signal off as well) I already hear quite strong noise that remains also when car pc is started - when engine is running I also get additional whistles with freq depending on rotation speed).

Is this problem solvable with audio filter that goes between CARPC and RADIO, or are there any noise suppressors also for 12V supply line. If I connect external mp3 player to AUX, all noise is gone...

Any help, advice ?

Thanks in advance,
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