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cartft Radio and CF3.5
By: kuno
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Mai 11, 2011 - 04:50

I have successfully installed the radio into CF3.5 with the latest drivers (2011-05-07 downloaded from the shop). so far everything works, but whenever the system resumes form hybernation, the preset stations show in the list but as soon as i select one station the system tells me that the radio is not installed (retry yes or no). when clicking yes, the preset list is cleared and the radio starts to play. the preset list is restored when i reboot the car-pc. Then the radio is also correctly detected and I do not get the retry pop-up.
apart from this the volume level is even when set to max (15 in the xls) quite a bit lower than the other music (mic in is adjusted to max).
any clues?
Hint for all those still having CF3.1: stay with it. 3.5 is not yet really finished :-(
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