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Media-list transparent
By: aguiu
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Mo Mär 28, 2005 - 12:38

Is possible to make the media-list rows transparents?
I want to do a skin with the "odd row" and the "even row" transparent, because i want to see the background image, but with ths skin assistant only is possible to choose a color, but not transparent.

Another thing, when ict is running is possible to select a song of the media-list only with a click of the touchscreen or mouse, not doble-click?
By: kyle
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 370
From: n/a
Posted: Di Mär 29, 2005 - 11:30

Unfortunately the control we are using to display this list does neither support transparency nor the use of a background picture. We will contact the author of the control and ask for future support for this feature. As soon as it's supported we will let you all know. Until then we are sorry to say but we are not able to help you with this request.

Regarding your second question, in iCT 1.1.1 you will get an new entry in the settings dialog as it's not much work to implement the support of single clicks for selecting entries from the list.
By: aguiu
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Di Mär 29, 2005 - 05:55

I have did an ict skin but is not good without transparency, i'm waiting for the transparency support impatiently, thank you.
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